Τμ. Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας & Επικοινωνίας - Έκθεση εξωτερικής αξιολόγησης

Πέρυσι, σχεδόν τέτοια εποχή, κάποια trolls ...εκ δεξιών, αποφάσισαν να μου επιτεθούν προσωπικά, γράφοντας διάφορες συκοφαντίες. Τέλος πάντων, σε αυτά έχω απαντήσει νομίζω επαρκώς.

Αλλά, μέσα στην καλή σπουδή τους να εξυπηρετήσουν τα (γνωστά) αφεντικά τους, η λάσπη πήρε και το Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας & Επικοινωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου, όπου εργάζομαι. Θεώρησαν ότι, για να σπιλωθώ αποτελεσματικότερα, έπρεπε να σπιλωθεί και μια ολόκληρη ακαδημαϊκή δομή.

Στο δεύτερο λοιπόν θέμα, δεν είχα απαντήσει μέχρι τώρα, γιατί περίμενα τη δημοσίευση της Έκθεσης Εξωτερικής Αξιολόγησης.
Η διαδικασία της Εξωτερικής Αξιολόγησης, με την οποία διαφωνώ για δεκάδες λόγους (πχ θες περίπου δυο εξάμηνα για να καταλάβεις πώς λειτουργεί μια τέτοια δομή), είναι μια από τις αγαπημένες καραμέλες των νεοφιλελεύθερων και των εραστών του μνημονίου, κατόρθωμα (και αυτό) της απερίγραπτης Άννας (Διαμαντοπούλου).

Κι αφού, οι «φίλοι», αγαπούν τόσο πολύ τις αμερικανιές και τις νεοφιλελεύθερες ιδέες, χωρίς άλλη καθυστέρηση παραθέτω αποσπάσματα από το κείμενο, με copy & paste (η έμφαση δική μου):

"...early signs are that the new curriculum is fulfilling the needs of both students and faculty and that the Department will be well positioned for future curricular evaluation and innovation.
The new curriculum is rational, clearly articulated, coherent, and functional, and it compares well with appropriate, universally accepted standards in Cultural Technology and Communication. Students are being prepared theoretically, technically, linguistically, and professionally to pursue careers in cultural technology and other fields. The multidisciplinarity of the Department and its programs is conducive to an extremely wide range of ever- expanding career opportunities. Students largely expressed an especially high appreciation for the new curricular flexibility as it allows them to tailor their studies to their career plans". (σελ. 8-9)

"Review of course syllabi, student projects with bibliography, examination scripts, and course work indicates adequate availability of course materials, in both electronic and hard copy formats. Department resources to implement the curriculum are sufficient, thanks in large part to the new revisions of the curriculum that enable the programme to continue despite the diminishing faculty lines. The Committee notes that many faculty teach well beyond the stipulated eight contact hour requirement. In sum, faculty resources are sufficient only because faculty accept and deliver significant teaching overloads, which remain uncompensated". (σελ. 9)

"Based on the student interviews, the Committee finds that the teaching in the Department is of high quality and up to date. Likewise, interviews with the faculty demonstrated an admirable enthusiasm and passion on the part of the teachers toward their content areas and their students. A commitment to deliver a sophisticated, relevant, contemporaneous curriculum was evident across all ranks".

"The Department has a steady stream of journal and conference publications (about ten journal papers and ten conference papers per academic year) and a steady stream of external funding (in excess of five million Euro since 2000)" (σελ. 15)

"The Department views the various administrative services provided to the faculty as satisfactory. At the moment, the Department has five administrative staff (one being the head of administration services) and three technical staff (who also provide teaching support to laboratory sessions). Most administrative procedures are processed electronically, although procedures remain complex due to constraints imposed by the law and the absence of locally adapted policies". (σελ 16)

"From its origin, the Department has proven itself a visionary in terms of creating and expanding a viable academic program that provides significant career opportunities for all graduates. Their recent revision of the undergraduate curriculum stands out as an exemplar of the vision of the Department moving toward even broader vistas". (σελ. 17)

"The Committee is fully aware of and sympathetic to the difficulties facing all Greek universities during this prolonged period of economic uncertainty and legislative instability. Such a context should neither, however, exonerate institutions and programs from their responsibility to engage in long-term and short-term planning, nor should it dishearten them from articulating future aspirations, especially as they sustain the hope that the currently extreme difficulties will eventually abate and reverse. Such planning therefore will assist all educators and administrators in managing the continuing or even possibly worsening difficulties and in positioning them to move forward in an aggressive manner when the situation finally improves. As the saying goes, "We plan for the worst but we hope the best."". (σελ. 18)

Συνοπτικά, το πλήρες κείμενο εδώ.


Panayiotis Zaphiris (Cyprus)
Rick M. Newton (USA)
Brendan Patrick Mullan (USA)
Fatma Güliz Erginsoy (Turkey)


Υ.Γ. : Πολλά Τμήματα Ελληνικών ΑΕΙ, υπέστησαν αρνητικές αξιολογήσεις από ανάλογες επιτροπές, και πολύ συχνά, άδικα. Αυτή εδώ, θεωρείται από τις άριστες. Ωστόσο επαναλαμβάνω: διαφωνώ με τη διαδικασία.

Υ.Γ.2 : Μέρες που είναι, με τα μηχανογραφικά δηλαδή, να κάνω και λίγο διαφήμιση :-)
Προτιμήστε μας παιδιά. Λένε πολύ συχνά ότι, οι φοιτητές στη Μυτιλήνη δυο φορές κλαίνε: όταν πρωτοέρχονται (αισθάνονται απομόνωση), κι όταν φεύγουν οριστικά ως απόφοιτοι (το λόγο για το δεύτερο, ρωτήστε τους ίδιους)...


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